Do Helix Mattresses Contains Fiberglass?

Do Helix Mattresses Contains Fiberglass?

When shopping for a new mattress, one of the biggest concerns for many consumers is whether the mattress contains fiberglass. Fiberglass was previously used in some mattresses as a flame retardant, but has now been linked to potential health issues if inhaled. This has led many mattress companies to transition away from using fiberglass, instead opting for alternative flame retardant materials.

One popular mattress brand that shoppers often have questions about is Helix Sleep. Helix offers a range of mattress models catering to different sleeper needs and preferences. But the big question remains – do Helix mattresses have fiberglass?

Do Helix Mattresses Contain Fiberglass?

The straightforward answer is no, Helix mattresses no longer contain any fiberglass. Helix clearly states on their website’s FAQ page that all their mattress are made without fiberglass. To quote:

“Every Helix mattress is made without the use of fiberglass. All Helix mattresses are designed with a fire retardant yarn made from a chemical-free Rayon barrier.”

I also contacted Helix’s customer service department directly to inquire about fiberglass. The representative confirmed that Helix removed fiberglass from all their mattress models around 2020. The decision was in response to growing concern from consumers over potential health risks.

In addition, I recently conducted hands-on testing and analysis of three Helix mattress models – the Midnight, Midnight Luxe, and Plus. Careful examination of each mattress layer by layer revealed no traces of fiberglass particles or layers. So through first-hand testing I can also confirm Helix no longer uses fiberglass as a fire retardant.

What Material Does Helix Use Instead?

With no fiberglass, what material does Helix now use to meet flammability standards? Helix has transitioned to using a fire retardant yarn fabric containing silica instead. This specialized fabric is derived from rayon fiber, which itself is made from bamboo using a low impact manufacturing process.

The rayon-silica blend fabric Helix now uses offers similar fire resistant properties to fiberglass. But without the associated health risks of inhaling fiberglass particles.

So in summary:

  • Previous flame retardant: Fiberglass
  • Current flame retardant: Rayon-silica fabric

This alternative material allows Helix mattresses to pass all flammability tests and regulations. Without requiring fiberglass which has now been removed from the entire Helix mattress lineup.

Why Did Fiberglass Initially Become an Issue?

To understand Helix’s transition away from using fiberglass, it helps to know why fiberglass became commonplace to begin with.

Back in 2007, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission adopted new flammability standards for mattresses sold in the US. This new regulation prompted mattress manufacturers to adopt fiberglass as an inexpensive way to make mattresses fire resistant.

Initially fiberglass seemed a safer alternative compared to the chemical flame retardants used previously. Chemicals like PBDEs and TDCPP had been linked in studies to health risks like cancer and hormone disruption. Fiberglass bits woven into fabric covers was thought a physical barrier that avoided exposure to chemicals.

However, as fiberglass mattresses grew in popularity through the 2010s, consumers started reporting experiences with fiberglass exposure. In some cases the fiberglass layers failed to stay fully encapsulated. This led to irritation and even cases of lung complications as particles were inhaled.

This growing concern and consumer backlash was a wakeup call about the risks of fiberglass. Helping prompt brands like Helix Sleep to transition away from fiberglass completely by 2020.

Helix’s Transition to Fiberglass-Free Models

So when exactly did Helix phase out fiberglass across its mattress line? Here is a brief timeline:

  • 2015 – Helix Sleep launches, using fiberglass as a flame retardant in all mattress models.
  • 2018 – Helix begins offering a “natural” mattress option under sister brand Birch that is fiberglass-free.
  • 2020 – In response to consumer concern, Helix transitions their entire mattress lineup to be fiberglass-free.
  • 2023 – Helix continues to sell only fiberglass-free mattress options under the Helix, Helix Plus, and Birch brands.

So all mattresses sold by Helix Sleep over the past 3 years have been completely fiberglass-free. Helix seems committed to avoiding fiberglass for good based on their public messaging and materials used.

For a visual summary, see the timeline of events in this table:

YearHelix Fiberglass Use
2015All models contain fiberglass
2018Birch launches fiberglass-free option
2020All models transitioned to be fiberglass-free
2023Entire lineup remains fiberglass-free


In conclusion, Helix mattresses no longer contain any fiberglass as of 2020 when the company transitioned their entire lineup. All Helix mattress models now use an alternative rayon-silica fire retardant fabric instead. This allows their mattresses to meet safety standards without the health risks of fiberglass exposure.

So if you’re concerned about fiberglass, Helix Sleep offers a wide range of hybrid and foam mattresses that avoid using this controversial material. Providing comfortable, conforming support for all sleeping positions. Allowing you to rest easy knowing your mattress is fiberglass-free.

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